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A glove to emulate the fun of playing an air guitar. This uses steel conductive threads sewn into the fabric for its circuitry.


This was an experiment on e-textiles and their applications.

Duration: 1 week | Classroom project

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A thing that comes very intuitively to people is moving their fingers and toes to the sound of their favourite music. You can find them tapping tables, and knees, or simply playing the air guitar. Why not take this very intuitive behaviour and make actual music?


AirFret translates the movement of your fingers to musical notes. A scale of 8 notes can be programmed on the glove with provision for pitch bends using hand gestures. So now you can play music by simply waving your fingers.


Making sure it felt like a fabric construction and not a piece of hardware was a key directive. Wires, switches, and all hard components were restricted only to the wrist. Everything else uses flexible conductive thread.

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